ServiceMax FieldConnect is Here!

ServiceMax FieldConnect is Here!

At ServiceMax, one of our overarching goals is to help the world Rethink Field Service. This begins with our products, but certainly does not end there. We see the building of a strong community of field service professionals as a big step in moving our industry...
Macy’s Gives Employees a Tablet Makeover

Macy’s Gives Employees a Tablet Makeover

Mobile technologies are sweeping though business, a trend that will soon pierce the skincare and jewelry counters at Macy’s, not to mention every driver in the company’s furniture and mattress delivery operation. According to a story by Audrea Chang in the...
Catching Up On iPhone Expectations

Catching Up On iPhone Expectations

Apple’s new product announcements have almost become a comfortable routine. It starts with speculation and wildly unfounded rumors, then moves along to leaks and mistakes that actually give a sense of what the new product may be. The rumor mill heats up, Apple...