Groucho Marx famously told the Friar’s Club many years ago, “I don’t care to belong to any club that will have me as a member.”
Well, in 2016 we feel a little differently about our inclusion in Forbes magazine’s annual list of the 25 next billion-dollar startups. In fact, we couldn’t be more pleased with the company we now keep. And while we and our customers have known for the last near-decade that field service disruption can have a dramatic benefit across our customers’ businesses overall, we’re happy to see others recognizing the impact we’re having too.
It’s been a long journey but it’s clear what we’ve built – and continue to build – works.
We’re not just giving companies another app to manage technician schedules – and we’re not simply plugging into existing CRM systems. Our industry-leading comprehensive field service platform gives technicians, managers and executives alike a better way to manage the entire service process, with more visibility, more democratization of information and, ultimately, happier customers and profits. Our customers have saved and made millions using our platform.
These are huge benefits turning executives’ heads.
Field service might have been the unsung hero for a long time (too long if you ask me), but thanks to the convergence of factors like cloud, mobile and more disruptive technology like Internet of Things, the results our customers continue to demonstrate has put our space in the limelight.
And if you recall, just last month Forbes had also put us on the inaugural Cloud 100 list. That felt great, too, and we were in good company. But inclusion on this narrower list of 25 serves as a special milestone on our journey.
But Wait, There’s More
Constellation Research also just named us on their ShortList for top vendors in the field service management space. The research firm evaluates more than 25 solutions categorized in this market and the ShortList is determined by client inquiries, partner conversations, customer references, vendor selection projects, market share, and internal research.
Check it out here.
The field service space is continuing to heat up and I’ve been personally proud of all the recent recognitions.
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