When software crashes or servers go haywire, customers dread having to make that call for help. Too often customer service calls involve long wait times, numerous transfers and drawn-out solutions. Thankfully, customer command centers of the future are looking to do things differently, and Dell’s ProSupport centers are one model paving the way for change.
Aiming for expert service to guarantee performance, ProSupport promises speed, resources and expertise. One promotional video even boasts a technician riding into a remote village on a donkey. (Now that’s service, huh?) But gimmicks aside, there are some key best practices when it comes to running a proficient center like this, and following these guidelines can help ensure service is top-notch.
Providing tech support, monitoring social media and fulfilling orders are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to ProSupport tasks. Engineers work to replicate customer environments to validate errors and test possible solutions; analysts provide round-the-clock, worldwide service; and experts monitor weather and current events to anticipate and prevent potential disasters before they occur.
This diverse amount of resources helps ensure ProSupport can tackle problems from all angles. “A reputable command center engages in best practices and is ahead of the curve on trends and issues, which ultimately helps a company work more closely with service providers and be more proactive in customer service,” Dell contributor Ann Braley Smith writes. Dell’s revolutionized command center is effective because it employs a number of these practices.
Speed: It’s important for customers to experience little to no down time. Time can make all the difference in the world to a small business, and even to larger corporations or individuals. The faster you can get customers back up and running, the better.
Resources: Software doesn’t take holidays from crashing, so having support available 24 hours a day, year round is extremely valuable. It’s also important to be aware of customer demographics. By employing traditional support methods such as phone and email, in addition to newer methods like Twitter, YouTube and chat, ProSupport excels by making its services available to a wider array of customers.
Expertise: Being able to speak directly with senior-level tech support analysts is a huge advantage for customers, as eliminating the middleman can help experts resolve cases faster. ProSupport’s additional task teams that analyze issues from different angles, and provide onsite diagnostics, repair and parts management, ensure further flexibility for customers.
In addition to applying all of these best practices, Dell uniquely does not keep its strategy behind closed doors. The tech giant recently launched an Inside ProSupport Tour, which provides customers with a glimpse inside the action. Everyone from your average Joe to tech geeks can see what a command center truly looks like, learn how technicians work to resolve complex issues and observe how third-party support operates. Technical staff members even lead the tours rather than conventional, trained guides.
By welcoming customers into the world of what was once just a voice over the phone, ProSupport personalizes the customer service process, giving a face to command centers. Not all command centers need to take this extra step, but ensuring customers receive the speed, resources and expertise to successfully solve issues is the foundation to guaranteeing quality service and operating an effective center.
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