Can We Just Get Rid of Power Cords Already?

Can We Just Get Rid of Power Cords Already?

It’s one of life’s distinct annoyances: Pulling out your phone – or music player, tablet or laptop – and being greeted with an unexpectedly silent, black screen. Dead battery. The red panic light counting down the minutes to a dead battery is also its own...
How Tech Saves Costs, a Little at a Time

How Tech Saves Costs, a Little at a Time

When looking for ways to improve margins, it’s important to remember that even a very small change, when compounded enough times, can turn into big savings. Blogger Eric Lai profiled Safeguard Properties, a company that inspects and maintains foreclosed homes...
Research Shows We’d Be Lost Without SMS

Research Shows We’d Be Lost Without SMS

The following post appeared in Mobile Enterprise Magazine, and is excerpted with permission. You can see the original post here. New research launched by Acision, a global provider in mobile messaging, reveals that SMS is still the most prevalent messaging service in...
Why Companies Need to Go All-In on Service

Why Companies Need to Go All-In on Service

Earlier this week at the Service Council’s Executive Symposium, Will McNeil from Gartner showed an interesting chart about the correlation between service revenue and firm value. Most would hypothesize that the more revenue you gain from service, the higher your...