The third iteration of Apple’s iPad — dubbed simply the “new” iPad — has the Web buzzing about everything the Cupertino tech giants have done right, and also where they’ve come up short. But count Mobile Enterprise editor Tony Rizzo a fan. While not perhaps the game-changing device many have come to expect (however unreasonably) from Apple, Rizzo explains that with a newly configured “retina” display, the New iPad is a marvel.
Article excerpted with permission. Click here to view the original.
Let’s begin by noting the one thing Apple didn’t do with the “new iPad.” It did not increase the available internal memory — the new iPad sports the same old memory configurations of 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB that have always been available. This isn’t necessarily immediately important, but as users begin to put together and use the many new features — and substantially improved applications — that the new iPad brings to the game, 64GB may begin to prove a barrier for higher-end users.
As with the iPhone 4S, some pundits have been carping that Apple didn’t do enough. On the internal memory front, we totally agree. As to everything else … from our perspective the new iPad is — as Apple puts it — resolutionary. And more than enough to keep the rest of the tablet world totally off balance.
Screen resolution is the place to begin the list of what’s new. As has been expected, the new iPad features a retinal display, which means that the pixel density of the new iPad screen is such that the eye simply cannot see the pixels. We know this from the iPhone 4, but the iPad presented a far greater engineering challenge — the immensely larger display of the iPad relative to the iPhone requires not only pixel density, but also requires making the pixels themselves smaller. To do so requires a great deal of technical R&D and pixel display technology improvements. Apple has pulled it off.
The new iPad display delivers resolution of 2,048 x 1,536 pixels — that adds up to 3.1 million pixels packed into the iPad’s 9.7 inch display. To put this in perspective, most of us believe that the iPad 2’s screen is pretty darn good. The new iPad delivers 4x the number of pixels of the iPad 2, along with what Apple claims is a 44 percent increase in color saturation. As one zooms in on an image there is simply no pixelating effect.
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