Have you been considering outfitting your field service staff with iPads? Well, there’s good news: Apple just released a new iPad (you might have heard something about it!).
The good news, however, has less to do with Apple’s brand-newest product. The bright spot for businesses thinking about dipping their toes in the tablet waters is that the release of “The New iPad” (as it’s sort of confusingly being called) is coinciding with a $100 price drop on the last version, the iPad 2.
Here’s the deal: Enterprises typically buy last year’s model, as it’s more proven, almost always fast enough and good enough to get the job done, and tends to come at a better price. Further, the “New” iPad’s main selling points — sharper screen, better camera, 4G connectivity, etc. — are geared toward consumers, not the enterprise.
Says ZDNet’s Zack Whittaker:
“The quality [of the New iPad] may be higher, and the experience may be better. But in terms of realistic business practices, if a device holds the basic capabilities required for employee efficiency and data access, then profit margins will dictate a move towards the less expensive alternative.”
A hundred bucks off a perfectly good iPad 2 may make a lot of sense for businesses considering pulling the trigger on a big tablet buy.
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