Social media services that allow people to check in to various establishments are all the rage these days, as anyone who’s noticed all the different Foursquare “mayors” flooding their Facebook and Twitter feeds has noticed. Now a company called DoubleDutch is offering a similar option for the enterprise: a service that allows enterprise workers to check in during specific business activities called HYVE.

HYVE is a suite of seven different tools which set out to allow employees in several types of businesses to inform each other. Instead of letting your friends know where you just checked in to grab lunch or get a quick workout in, DoubleDutch HYVE is a way to check in and “collaborate, connect and communicate through structured status updates built around the unique business processes of the enterprise.”

While there are already tools such as Yammer providing ways for employees within a company to network with each other, DoubleDutch aims to add structure to the process. Instead of free-form status updates, employees are asked to choose from a list of scheduled events and click. How would companies use this information? Besides simply staying connected and updated on employees’ whereabouts and activities, the structure HYVE provides allows companies to monitor performance. For example, if field service tech A had 50 service check-ins over the past week, they’d look pretty good compared to field service tech B who only had 30.

Among the available HYVE suites is HYVE Field for field service and delivery workers, which according to DoubleDutch, “Allows your field teams to log site visits and account info in seconds and provides field management access to real time field activity and analytics.” HYVE suites run on iPhone, iPad, BlackBerry, Windows 7, Android, WebOS and HTML5.

Several companies are already using DoubleDutch HYVE, including Adobe, Amdocs, Cisco, Arizona State University and HP, along with Vivo Pools, a Southern California pool service company. For a brief tour at what HYVE looks like in action, DoubleDutch recently released the video below.