Reactive Maintenance vs Preventative Maintenance

by | Jun 9, 2020

You’ve just bought yourself a new car. As you drive it off the lot, you promise yourself you will change the oil every 3000 miles, get the tires rotated, and the engine checked regularly. You start pushing off maintenance because of the couple hundreds of dollars in costs. After a while, the engine breaks down during one of your commutes, but now you have to spend thousands of dollars just to get the car running again. Reactive maintenance is a type of corrective maintenance in which repairs are made to a piece of equipment after it has already broken down. 

If you had kept up with the preventative maintenance of the car, you would have saved thousands of dollars. Preventative maintenance is maintenance that is regularly performed on a piece of equipment to keep the asset performing as it should. Preventative maintenance helps with the longevity of the asset and decreases the probability for it to breakdown prematurely.

Many service organizations to date still perform reactive maintenance on equipment because they do not have a system in place that can track when preventative maintenance should take place. Reactive maintenance can cost 5X more than preventative maintenance.  

FX EAM gives companies the ability to centralize and track their preventative maintenance schedules for their equipment. Calendar or meter based triggers can generate automated work orders that schedule maintenance on a piece of asset. Calendar triggers can be scheduled yearly, monthly or on a weekly basis. Meter triggers, on the other hand, can be scheduled based on mileage, time downhole, number of uses and more. FX EAM can be seamlessly combined with FX E-Ticketing creating meter triggers that can schedule maintenance based on information from a field ticket.

Preventative maintenance allows organizations to decrease equipment downtime, save costs, and ensure a longer asset life. To learn more about FX EAM, click here to read the FX EAM Whitepaper.