That should be one of the key questions you ask yourself throughout the development and implementation process of a field service management system like ServiceMax and yet is often missed.  Many people believe that adoption of a new tool is a given if they create the system well and provide some training.  People will adopt the change “because I said so”.

The reality of the situation is that creating a great system and training are important parts to adoption success but cannot stand on their own. Company adoption of a field service management system is built from four main components: Preparation, Communication, Training and Support. This four-part blog series will review the key factors for each component of a successful adoption.

Part 1: Preparation
The first step in adoption is preparing for the change.  You must assess and address how the system/process affect each team.

● New devices that might be used and related challenges
● Adjusted processes and responsibilities and their impact
● The system itself, how it is set-up and ease of use

● Train use and care for new devices before introducing a system like ServiceMax
● Plan to share the reality of the coming changes while highlighting the benefits for each role and the business as a whole
● Involve each role in development of your field service management system to ensure their needs, concerns and feedback are included in development
● Prepare for supporting the new tool– identify resources, tools and reports to drive and measure adoption

Preparing your organization for the changes to come with an implementation like ServiceMax is a valuable factor in adoption success. The preparation phase will determine the next steps in the Communication, Training and Support phases of adoption– all topics for this series of posts. Please come back next Monday August 24th when I’ll bring you more helpful tips on clear and detailed communications for your implementation and training plans.

To find more valuable training and continuing education advice for your service team, check out our Education Services space on the ServiceMax Community.