What’s more critical to running a successful business — happy workers or loyal customers? The question sparked such a lively discussion recently in the Customer Service Professionals group on LinkedIn, we decided to share some of the highlights. Gary Woodard, who started the discussion, says the bottom line is what matters most.

Many argued that keeping employees satisfied and happy boosts customer service levels, and therefore drive the company’s revenues — a theme we’ve explored at length here on the SmartVan.

But that feeling was hardly universal — many argued that the customer should always come first.


Many, in the end, said that both elements play into each other — a sort of chicken and egg conundrum.

What do you think? Join the discussion here.

More: Reader Roundup: Best Ways to Evaluate Service Techs.

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ABOUT Ian Stewart

Avatar photoIan is a veteran journalist who has covered sports for various news outlets. Previously, he was managing editor for an electronic-book publishing company and a public relations writer.